Women's History Month + My Friends

March is Women's History month. There are so many important women in history we can learn about and celebrate, but right now I want to celebrate the amazing women in my life since moving to LA.
I love my girlfriends. I love seeing them face to face, laughing, talking, crying, eating, working out or whatever it is we chose to do. I love getting and sending just thinking of you text. I love their families, seeing their children grow up. I love how we try to encourage one another by recognizing our talents, strengths, and weaknesses. I love how we want nothing but the best for each other and celebrate each others victories. To me all my girlfriends are beautiful. I see beauty inside and out in each and every one of them. I feel lucky, blessed really, to have such wonderful women in my life. Thanks for being the mighty women that you are and for being my friend.

xo, jen
note: as I was going through my pictures I realized we don't take a lot of pictures together and a few just simply refuse to take pictures. That being said if you don't see your beautiful face here that is why.


  1. الحشرات الضارة قد تقوم بالضرار او الامراض ولكن عليك مكافحة تلك الحشرات من بق الفراش ،الصراصير ، النمل بكل الانواع ، الفئران والقوارض ، مكافحة الوازغ ، مكافحة الحشرات الطائرة من ناموس وهاموش و ذباب ،ايضا مكافحة الحمام ،
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض
    شركة مكافحة الفئران بالرياض
    شركة مكافحة الثعابين بالرياض
    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالرياض
    شركة مكافحة الحمام بالرياض
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  2. I thank you for the information and articles you provided
