1. A WEALTH OF INFORMATION! Here's a couple of nuggets from the classes I took:
Graphic Design 101, 201, 301 with the incredible Laurie Smithwick
A way to create tension is to avoid symmetry, shake things up
Be consistent with fonts you're using on the blog
Photostyling 101 with the brilliant William & Susan Brinson
Build a collection of props- find items at thrift, hardware stores, and dumpster diving (
Think about the things that I love or make me happy to help discover my aesthetic
Keynote-the Art of being a Goal Getter with the amazing Joy Cho
No is NOT the end of the world. Remember when one door shuts, another opens
Ask yourself, "Do I really want it?" Very important. If you do, don't wait around, go for it
Photoshop for Bloggers by the cute duo Mike & Alma Loveland
Standard DPI for web is 72 and 300 for print- really helpful
How to create a white background in my photos
How to Get Paid What Your Worth by the sassy Sara Urquhart
Have/ set a vision. If it's broad right now, narrow and tighten it up
Have a media kit and don't be afraid to use it!
2. NEW BLOGGER RELATIONSHIPS! Here's a few that are blossoming:
checkerberrylane / Marissa
bourbonandgoose / Ryan
thebloomingthread / Alyssa
3. A BOX FULL OF GOODIES! Here's me practicing something from the photoshop class:
the goodies in the box are: a mason jar full of cherry candies from Bing, fun case with goodies from Blue Q, beautiful necklace from Zelma Rose, cupcake flags from Lingering Daydreams, note cards from Pixel impress, lip balm from Ivory +Ash, crayons from Childhoodlist. thank you.
Alt for Everyone was amazing! If you ever decide to go to any of the conferences they offer, I think you'll be well pleased. Have a great holiday weekend!
xo, jen