March is Women's History month. There are so many important women in history we can learn about and celebrate, but right now I want to celebrate the amazing women in my life since moving to LA.
I love my girlfriends. I love seeing them face to face, laughing, talking, crying, eating, working out or whatever it is we chose to do. I love getting and sending just thinking of you text. I love their families, seeing their children grow up. I love how we try to encourage one another by recognizing our talents, strengths, and weaknesses. I love how we want nothing but the best for each other and celebrate each others victories. To me all my girlfriends are beautiful. I see beauty inside and out in each and every one of them. I feel lucky, blessed really, to have such wonderful women in my life. Thanks for being the mighty women that you are and for being my friend.
xo, jen
note: as I was going through my pictures I realized we don't take a lot of pictures together and a few just simply refuse to take pictures. That being said if you don't see your beautiful face here that is why.